Should You Write a Book?

Becoming an author is the dream of 84% of all people.
And for good reason. Authors have instant status, credibility, and author*ity over non-authors. Positioning yourself as an author decreases sales cycles, increases media opportunities, and gives you a 24/7 sales team that will never sleep, retire, or ask for time off. Your book, when positioned and marketing strategically, can be a foundational element of your brand.
...and a whole lot more.
Yet, only 1% of people actually finish creating and publishing their book. There is a massive chasm between dreaming and doing. Why is it so difficult to create and publish a book? With today's technology, anyone can open their computer, bang out a 100 pages and upload to Amazon in seconds. "Authoring" a book is easy today.
...too easy.
There is a reason 99.9% of books fail. Keep reading so you can avoid costly mistakes.
How Can You GUARANTEE a Successful Book?
Without proper planning, specific research, and a professional publishing team, your chance of success as an author is slim to none. With over 12 years of experience and hundreds of book projects, we have refined a unique method to "reverse engineer" your bestselling book. Here's an overview...
Publish Your Legacy
Let's Have a Conversation.
Become the Media
If you've not figured it out by now, content marketing is dead.
With 1.6 BILLION blogs there is a blog for every 7 people on the planet and 4.75 BILLION Facebook posts a day, let's face it. Your content is definitely lost.
The only way to rise above the noise is to own your media.

Become a Person of Influence
In addition to rising to the top of your industry, what else do you want: Legacy? Influence? Impact? Noble goals for sure. How do you want to be remembered... and by whom?

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