August 13

Dr. Jeffrey Magee: Mastering Change with AI and Smart Collaboration


Dr. Jeffrey Magee breaks down how to handle change, helping you and your business survive and thrive in today’s fast-paced world. He highlights the importance of your personal and professional history as a foundation for tackling change and finding creative solutions. Dr. Magee is clear on AI: it’s a tool to complement our thinking, not a replacement.

But that’s not all. Dr. Magee underscores the crucial need to stay sharp in today’s fast-paced world—keeping up with learning and reading to stay ahead of the curve. He also shared valuable insights for authors about strategic marketing and why teaming up with industry leaders and focus groups to connect with your audience. And don’t forget the power of collaboration and networking—they’re the real drivers behind success, whether in business or life.

On this week’s Author Your Brand Show, Dr. Magee shares practical advice on navigating change, using AI effectively, and building lasting success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Change Formation: Leverage your backstory to embrace change and uncover creative solutions.
  • AI’s Role: See AI as a tool that complements human intelligence, not a replacement.
  • Stay Ahead: Keep learning and reading to maintain your edge.
  • Marketing for Authors: Strategic marketing, including collaboration and focus groups, helps you reach your audience.
  • Power of Collaboration: Success often hinges on strong networks and partnerships.

If you want to know more, grab a copy of Dr. Magee’s book DEI of TALENTification: The 11-Elements to Execution and ACHIEVEMENT of the DEI Talent Management Model for a Healthy, Sustained & Engaged Organization here:

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