Ghostwriting. Publishing. Marketing.

Authorship. Media. Influence.
Become an Author
...without writing a word
It does not matter if you are too busy running your business (you are). It does not matter if you want to write yourself (you can). What does matter is working with a team that can take you from idea to impact... with respect.

Become the Media
If you've not figured it out by now, content marketing is now a fools game. With 1.6 BILLION blogs there is a blog for every 7 people on the planet. The only way to rise above the noise is to not simply be "in" the media, but own your own media company.

Become a Person of Influence
In addition to rising to the top of your industry, what else do you want: Legacy? Influence? Impact? Noble goals for sure. How do you want to be remembered... and by whom?

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